In a devastating turn of events, several villages in the Tup district of the Issyk-Kul region fell victim to mudflows on August 7, 2023. The villages of Ken-Suu, Bayzak, Taldy-Suu, Korumdu, and Koochu were plunged into chaos as torrents of mud and debris cascaded through their communities. The cause of these mudflows has been attributed to the sudden onslaught of intense rainfall.
In response to this crisis, both the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MOES) and local authorities sprang into action, collaborating to establish a joint commission. The primary objective of this commission is to meticulously assess the extent of the damages incurred by this natural disaster. The emphasis is on transparency, ensuring that a thorough understanding of the situation is gained.
Preliminary reports from MOES and local authorities indicate that approximately 200 households have directly borne the brunt of this catastrophe. However, the scope of this calamity extends much further. Initial estimates suggest that a staggering 60% of the overall population, which amounts to 13,000 individuals residing across these five villages, find themselves in dire need of various degrees of assistance.
The gravity of the situation has spurred an urgent call for assistance. Relief efforts are now underway as communities rally together to provide support and aid to those affected. As the joint commission diligently assesses the damages, the region braces itself for a long and arduous journey towards recovery.